Non Surgical Facelift

The Facial Aesthetics Advantage

As we age, the face and neck droop with gravity and also deflate, losing some of their youthful volume. There are non-surgical face-lift options that have no downtime and can erase 5 years or more off your appearance. These treatments are popular because they have no downtime, no pain, and when you start well in time, you will never need to be under the knife. Usually, these are combination treatments depending on your ageing status. In addition to employing non-surgical facelift and neck tightening, thread lift and combining it with neurotoxin (botox/dysport) volume replacement with FDA approved injectable fillers such as Voluma, Restylane Lyft, for complete rejuvenation.

Non Surgical Facelift

At Smile Studio our services are committed to helping you:

  • Rejuvenate your skin
  • Foster a youthful appearance
  • Restore the natural tone, texture, and radiance of your skin

Our experienced staff members can educate you on various skin conditions and issues, and then design an individualized program to address your needs and achieve the improvements you want.

Smile Studio offers the very best in non-surgical skin care. Some of our treatment options include:

  • BOTOX Cosmetic
  • Chemical peels
  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Dermal fillers
  • Laser hair removal
  • Premium selection of skin care products

Face rejuvenation functions by facilitating muscle relaxation and arresting muscle stimulation. These functions are done by stopping the release of acetylcholine from the ends of nerves. The absorption of FACE REJUVENATION is asymmetrical. The action of this injection is temporary, with the effect seen for almost 5 to 6 months.

A face rejuvenation injection takes only 5 minutes to perform. After this, the person can comfortably return to normal activities. Face Rejuvenation injections can treat wrinkles in the forehead, surrounding areas of the eyes, gummy smiles, etc. It can also be beneficial for treating a boxy face, a condition in which the lower facial portion is square shaped. This condition is medically known as masseteric hypertrophy.
Face Rejuvenation in Delhi can also be used to treat hyperhidrosis.It is a condition of profuse sweating in the palms and underarms. The cost of a FACE REJUVENATION session may vary from INR 15,000 to INR 80,000.

Dermabrasion: Basically, dermabrasion removes the uppermost skin layers using a special instrument. This should be performed by a trained cosmetologist. This procedure helps in reducing deep acne scars, brown spots and sun damage. If carried out properly, this particular skin rejuvenation treatment can ensure beautiful and smoother skin.

Microdermabrasion: This non-chemical and non-invasive procedure is effective in exfoliating or removing dead layers. However, at Smile Studio, we can combine the brightening or anti-ageing serums with microdermabrasion to give better and longer-lasting results.

Meso Glow or Meso Therapy: This procedure uses brightening agents such as glutathione, tranesxemic acid, hydrating agents, vitamins and minerals, and micro-puncture techniques. Combined with other treatments, it can definitely help in restoring skin radiance.

Carbon Peeling: This is also quite a popular option. The name, apparently, comes from the fact that this procedure involves the application of a thin layer of carbon powder on the face, which is subsequently heated up by means of the laser.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP): After consulting experts, you can opt for a platelet rich plasma treatment. The basic principle is this: since our blood is rich in growth and healing factors, they can be used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on our faces. It’s a one-time treatment that can knock a few years off the face and give one a super youthful appearance.

Photo rejuvenation: Uses lasers, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy to treat skin conditions and remove the effects of photoaging such as wrinkles and spots. It also helps in doing away with wrinkles, spots, and textures. Fractional lasers like erbium yag/Co2 fractional can be used to re-surface the skin and lighten acne scars, age spots, photoaging and superficial fine lines and wrinkles.

Oxy Facial: It’s a non-invasive, relaxing, and painless skin care method.” A Jet Facial or an Oxy Facial reaches the inner layers of the skin for instant and superior results. It cleanses with oxygen and saline, exfoliates, boosts lymphatic drainage and provides extraction benefits. The skin is prepped to receive further benefits from skin care when thoroughly and deeply cleansed. What’s more, such treatments are short, ranging from 15 to 45 minutes, and they can leave the skin soft and glowing. These can be repeated on a monthly basis.

Ultherapy: It’s described as a HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) treatment. This is an outpatient procedure. This non-surgical procedure kick-starts dead collagen. Experts say that it’s pretty effective in turning back the clock—in other words, the non-invasive micro-lift can make your skin look several years younger. Experts say that ultrasound energy can penetrate deeper into the skin than light, and consequently, the rejuvenation process is accelerated. Try it if you have sagging skin around your eyes and your chin.

Sygmalift: It’s another highly effective alternative to invasive or surgical facelifts. Like ultherapy, it’s a high-focused ultrasound (HIFU) procedure, but it’s normally combined with cold laser. It has greater skin penetrative power and can heal affected areas in a more targeted way.

Facial Fillers: This procedure uses injectable gels that can smoothen wrinkles, iron out lines and folds, and fill up scars and other depressions on the skin surface. It can be dissolved with another injection called hyaluronidase within two hours.

For those who aren’t interested in having needles injected into their faces, there are a number of treatments available that promote tightening of the skin, which can also provide younger-looking skin. For instance, there are laser resurfacing treatments, such as Clear + Brilliant, that can “change the glow of the skin,”

“As we age and our facial skin becomes more lax, an increasing amount of injectable material and tightening is needed to fill the increasing void of volume, but the results will show a decreasing amount of improvement,” he said. “It is at this point that patients usually opt for surgery.”

If cosmetic procedures, surgical or nonsurgical, are of interest to you, make sure to speak with a qualified doctor.

The following facelift alternatives are outpatient, non-surgical procedures that offer the lifted, toned, and tightened effect without going under the knife.

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