360º Perspective – Oral Health

360º Perspective – Oral Health

How is it relevant in dentistry?

Like the other microbiomes of the body (gut, skin, vaginal), the oral microbiome is a collection of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. The mouth has a variety of micro-environments that host different bacterial populations: the tongue, the hard palate, the teeth, and area around the tooth surfaces, above and below the gums. Dental care still doesn’t consider the importance of supporting a balanced flora within the month. Instead, they focus still on eradicating all bacteria.

There are ways to boost ‘good’ bacteria in the mouth through natural means. Intake of dietary fiber, probiotics and probiotics are proven to improve bacterial diversity. Research has shown lifestyle changes like stress and sleep can also change the microbial balance in the body.

Nurture the Microbiome

  1. Eat a diverse range of foods, which leads to a diverse microbiome. In particular, legumes, beans and fruit contain lots of fiber and promote the growth of good bacteria.
  2. Consume fermented foods such as yoghurt which contain healthy bacteria and can reduce the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Eat prebiotic food. Prebiotics such as fiber stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria. These include artichokes, bananas, asparagus, oats and apples.
  4. Reduce sugary intake. A high sugar diet can encourage the growth of acid-loving bacteria like streptococcus mutans, which contribute to caries and periodontal disease and inhibits good bacteria.
  5. Avoid fizzy drinks and diet drinks. These can contribute to dental erosion and caries and also alter the balance of microorganisms and upset the good bacteria.
  6. Choose a microbiome – boosting probiotic toothpaste. Good oral hygiene is the foundation of all mouth care. Our advice is to brush twice daily, floss, and use mouthwash. The products we use are also essential. For example, use fluoride toothpaste with natural enzymes and proteins that boos good bacteria in the month and reduce harmful bacteria daily.


Patients seem to overcomplicate their oral hygiene regimes. On over-the-counter products to help prevent dental problems and improve their oral hygiene. But in reality it requires small simple daily steps to improve oral and general health.

Sticks to basics:-

  • Brush twice daily
  • Oil Pulling
  • Waterpik
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