Get Picture-perfect Smile With These Simple Tips by Dr Ekta Chadha!

Get Picture-perfect Smile With These Simple Tips by Dr Ekta Chadha!

Ekta Chadha, an expert in cosmetic dentistry in South Delhi, has provided some useful tips for getting a perfect smile.

  • Slightly Tilt: It is usually recommended to tilt your head slightly to the camera because most people have a-symmetrical faces. This also explains why one side of your face may photograph better than the other.
  • Check Your Teeth and Gums: If your teeth have yellowed with age, try a whitening product or visit your dentist. Correcting cracked, broken, or missing teeth will likely mean some time with a dental professional. Don’t forget about taking care of your gums. Brush, floss, and wash with an antibacterial mouthwash consistently.
  • Moisten Your Teeth: Just before a photograph is clicked, a quick swipe of your tongue over your teeth can help them to twinkle and add brightness to the photograph.
  • Smile With Your Teeth Slightly Parted: When your teeth are slightly parted during your smile, a more natural smile is conveyed. A very rigid appearance comes across when your teeth are together.
  • Practice: Your perfect smile won’t occur overnight. Experiment with your smile before a mirror. Keep your shoulders down and strike a natural, un-forced smile. You can likewise play around with turning your head and discovering your best angle.
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